Vol 8, No 1 (2023)

Отечественная филология и методика преподавания

Marked Feat of Allusions in Roman Mikhailov’s Fairy Tales Collection «The Berries»

Bezrukov A.N.


Artistic experiments are characteristic of the latest Russian literature. The experiment allows not only to create the effect of a dialogue with the classics, but also to build a new model for assessing reality. The poetic world traditionally has two highways of balance: this is time and an artistic space. The poetics of postmodernism is focused on the creation of the new within the framework of the transformation of the existing. Aesthetic experience processed by postmodern authors has signs of allusions, reminiscences, quotations, open hints. Roman Mikhailov's prose is a unique example of playing with literary codes, cultural and historical stereotypes. This happens both at the level of form and at the boundary level of content. The new literary reality of assessing the present in the mode of fairy-tale narrative is being implemented in R. Mikhailov’s collection “The Berries” (2019). Lately reseachers have been finding little interest in the collection, there are hadly any works found in the public domain that would concern the analysis of language, style, author's manner of narration, compositional framework, genre variations. Thus, the study in line with the assessment of the typology and poetics of Roman Mikhailov's “fairy tales” appears to be relevant. The methodological content of this work correlates with the one of a receptive and hermeneutic nature. Labeling of allusions in the collection “The Berries” is carried out for the purpose of visual differentiation of meanings. The scope of postmodern writers’ meanings expands to rhizome. Consequently, the text stops being only a formal plane, but becomes a paradigmatic sign system. The collection of fairy tales “The Berries” contains texts of different years. However, they form a single artistic world with related plots. The literary experiment of R. Mikhailov's fairy tales focuses on the texts by Sh. Perrault, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Nekrasov, I.S. Turgenev, N.S. Leskov, A.P. Chekhov; N. Pogodin's screenplay; V. Suteev's cartoon plots; V.S. Vysotsky's song structure. The range of allusions in this case is wide, while the integrity of the cycle remains impeccable. This material can be used in studies on the poetics of the latest Russian prose, as well as in the invastigations focused on Roman Mikhailov’s works.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):6-17
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The Forms of Manifestation of Intertextuality and Their Role in Creating the Text World of “Omon Ra” by V.O. Pelevin

Bryzgalova V.V.


In the domestic culture of the beginning of the 21st century, the crisis of value attitudes of a modern person, whose consciousness is subject to manipulation, has aggravated. The phenomenon of manipulation of consciousness has its own history, but it gained particular strength in the 20th century, when the media, art, and advertising became the main conductors of power. At the beginning of the 21st century, the information and communication space becomes the main tool for manipulating human consciousness. The phenomenon of intertextuality has become widespread in works by V.O. Pelevin, one of the brightest representatives of Russian postmodernism, the author of “Omon Ra”, the novel that reveals a creative rethinking of the transformation of the cruel Soviet reality of the 1990s. In this article, the novel is interpreted through the identification of manifestation forms of intertextuality and the defining their role within the framework of a united artistic world of the text. The intertextuality of the novel is expressed by intertextual components: literary borrowings, imitations, overt and covert citations, allusions, reminiscences, poetic inclusions, irony. These intertextual elements represent the cultural layer of the novel text being interconnected with the storyline of the work. V.O. Pelevin managed to emphasize the main thing in his hero’s character – the ability to doubt dogmas; to reveal the duality of the hero’s world, who goes through difficulties before deciding to free himself from the cruel system that destroys any “I”. Intertextuality the text of “Omon Ra” provokes a play of meanings and a plurality of interpretations, helps to achieve the creation of a multi-level text, which is made of the cultural and ideological layers of the Soviet era, which the author characterizes as a time of deliberate falsification of history and manipulation of human consciousness. The author constructs an artistic reality built at the intersection of the real and unreal, the real and illusory worlds.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):18-29
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The Features of Teaching Russian Language to Foreign Cadets and Military Personnel in Russian Military Universities

Kilimnik E.V.


The purpose of the article is to analyze modern approaches (integrative, linguoculturallogical, system-linguistic, functional) used in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to cadets and military personnel who came from abroad to Russian military universities. The task of the work is to determine the humanitarian tools that serve to improve the quality of teaching Russian language among foreign cadets and military personnel. The relevance of the proposed study is determined by the communication and technological transformations taking place in modern society, which offers direct and indirect communication (the Internet) for a large number of military personnel with different interests. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the work presents a set of applied methods of logic, analysis and synthesis. It has been established that the practical and intellectual demand for the use of Russian language increases while training, which is especially important in the ongoing modern processes of globalization of the world and the growth of professional interests. It has been determined that under these conditions, Russian language teaching to foreign cadets and military personnel gains a great importance as a mean of communication and generalization of cultural and spiritual heritage. It was revealed that when implementating educational tasks and increasing the level of competence, students and cadets are offered text materials of different styles and genres, for example, artistic, scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial style of texts.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):30-41
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Teaching Russian to Cadets in the Military Universities in China

Kilimnik E.V.


The aim of the study is to present linguistic and cultural analysis of modern methods and practices used in the process of teaching Russian language to cadets in military universities of the People's Republic of China. The task of the work is to determine the requirements for teaching Russian language to cadets of military universities, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the existing education system, as well as the difficulties that arise in the process of comprehending Russian language. The relevance of the research topic is dictated by the communication growth between Russia and China, which requires philologists with a good knowledge of Russian. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study presents a set of applied methods of logic, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. It is determined that in the course of teaching Russian language, Chinese cadets of military universities comprehend it in two stages at the “basic” and “advanced” levels. It has been established that the main emphasis in the learning process is focused on practical and colloquial comprehension of Russian. It was revealed that in the learning process cadets have an apportunity to study the cultural diversity of Russia, which improves the quality of teaching Russian. It has been established that improving and expanding language skills are set as the tasks for cadets and students of Chinese military universities in order to increase the level of their competence. In particular, the skills of correct reading for understanding current news in Russian press prevail on the perception of complex popular science articles and fiction. In addition, they are to pay attention to listening activities to  understand news on politics, diplomacy, economics and society in the media, such as, for example, radio, the Internet and television; understand audio materials, taking into account all the difficulties that arise, similar to ones they face studying the contents of a textbook.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):42-52
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Concepts of “Counsel” and “Prosecutor” as Perceived by Native Russian Speakers

Krasnova E.A.


The relevance of the article is determined by the deep interest of contemporary linguistics in studying language units from an anthropological perspective. Psycholinguistics, being one of such study areas, provides some tools to reveal the process of modern humans thinking and following some thought patterns. We assume that the judicial employees' professional worldview, shaped by a specific field of judiciary, and ordinary consciousness, formed under the influence of everyday life, reflects various linguistic world pictures of Russian speakers, which manifest through the images created while perceiving the same language units. Thus, the psycholinguistic method of free association seems to be the most relevant technique that makes it possible to study how the lexemes “counsel” and “prosecutor” find their expression in the linguistic consciousness of native Russian speakers. The article highlights the results of free association that represent the peculiarities of associative perception in professional, judicial and ordinary consciousness for the concepts mentioned above. The participants of the experiment were persons both with a law degree and not. The results of the experiment have shown that the lawyers’ professional worldview, when digesting the concepts proposed, shifts the focus to the subject area, in the images of a counsel and a prosecutor a lawyer sees their professional activity and competence. For ordinary consciousness, however, these images are connected to respondents' expectations and emotional attitude towards them, which enables to assess the connotations of these lexemes, being formed by ordinary consciousness.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):53-62
pages 53-62 views

Technical Means in the Neo-Avant-Garde by Stanislav Krasovitsky

Markov A.V.


The article deals with the introduction of new technical devices by Russian religious poet Stanislav Krasovitsky, which connects the tradition of zaum’ in the avant-garde with the search for a new mystery. As a pioneer of religious poetry during the Thaw period, Krasovitsky anticipated the mystery turn in Soviet culture: the use in rock operas, films and animations of the mystery plot as capable of uniting the various symbols of world culture. For Krasovitsky, the main technical device is the introduction of new letters into the Russian alphabet, taken from Greek and Latin, which allow conveying visual impressions through an unusual combination of sounds and creating a special atmosphere of mystery. It is shown that this project by Krasovitsky is closely related to the development of semiotics and cybernetics and the understanding of scripts as implementing programmed pragmatics in special operational symbols. Krasovitsky did not engage in poetic production for more than two decades, preferring religious asceticism, but at the same time he developed a theoretical justification for his turn from the avant-garde to mystery along the lines of the acts of the Baroque era. He constructed a consistent historiosophy in which paganism, the cult of Apollo, and Christianity were the three stages in the acquisition of truth, and each stage corresponded to its signs, letters, and symbols, containing both semantics and iconically marked pragmatics. This allowed Krasovitsky to combine reflections on the nature of letters with reflections on ritual, and to create late poetry already simply as legitimizing his own priestly rituals. This study allows us to clarify the peculiarities of perception of religious and philosophical issues in the culture of the Soviet period and show how formal experiments, including those supported by a specific medium of typewriter, allowed a new arrangement of verbal and visual elements in the work.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):63-73
pages 63-73 views

Interpretation of a Literary Text in Cinema: V.O. Bogomolov's Novel “Ivan” and A.A. Tarkovsky's Film “Ivanovo Childhood”

Shelukhin F.V.


The article explores film screening as a special form of literary text. Within the framework of the study, the concept of cinema screening, its classification and features of types, “strengths” and “weaknesses” of this format are considered. The problems arising during the transfer of literary works of art to the cinema screen are also characterized, around which discussions do not stop to this day. The study of these issues is carried out not only in theory, but also in practice, which is presented in the form of a comparison of V.O. Bogomolov's novel "Ivan" (1957) and the film A.A. Tarkovsky's “Ivanovo Childhood” (1962). In addition to identifying the differences between the original literary work and its transfer to the language of cinema, expressed in deviation from following the literary artistic text, changing individual scenes, added episodes and expanding some storylines of the original literary work, the creative task set by the director is determined, and how exactly it was achieved. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the research topic (used for a detailed examination of cinema screening as a special form of literary text) and comparative analysis (used when comparing the original literary text (V.O. Bogomolov's novel “Ivan”) and its film adaptation (A.A. Tarkovsky's film “Ivanovo Childhood”)). Because of the comparative analysis, a conclusion is drawn that contains answers to the questions: which of the types of film adaptations does this film belong to, as it is expressed in the film, and the reasons that led to this result are revealed.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):74-85
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Mythological Motives in M. Shulgin's Works About Nature

Yakovinov M.V.


This article proceeds from the fact that today, along with the economic development of society, there is a steady research interest in the spiritual and moral principles implemented in national fiction. It is in it that the mentality of the ethnic group is reflected, the psychological portrait of the nation, moral norms, connection with nature, the mythological layer of culture are presented. All this is presented in the work by one of the most significant Khanty writers, Mikul Ivanovich Shulgin (1940-2007). He has come a long way in life to literature. Since 1971, Mikul Ivanovich has been a member of the USSR Writers' Union. Since 1991 he has been a member of the Russian Writers' Union. His poems have been translated into Belarusian, Hungarian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Intertwining the Khanty culture and mentality with his work, M.I. Shulgin invariably reflects a special way of understanding and perceiving reality. At the same time, the writer and his works are insufficiently studied in domestic literary criticism. Little attention is now paid to Shulgin's poetic and prose works only in the regional curriculum for native literature. For the works of M.I. Shulgin about nature is characterized by the presence of mythological motifs. The term “mythology” is quite broad and has many facets to study. The concept of “myth” refers not only to literary criticism, but also to other related disciplines: cultural studies, philosophy and linguistics. At the same time, the mythological picture of the world, characteristic of one or another people or author, including the peoples of the Khanty, and inherent in the work of M.I. Shulgin. This confirms not only the relevance, but also the necessity of the undertaken research. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze mythologism in the works of Mikul Shulgin about nature.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):86-93
pages 86-93 views

Иностранная филология и методика преподавания

Typological Parameters of a Literary Text From the Viewpoint of Translation Studies

Arustamyan Y.Y.


The article presents an attempt to systematize approaches to identifying typological parameters and distinctive features of a literary text that influence the adequacy of translation. Traditional approaches to the analysis and interpretation of a literary text in our study were significantly supplemented by the approaches and methods of analysis of new linguistics trends: linguopragmatics, cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. It should be taken into account that the function of a literary sign goes beyond the limits of a linguistic unit and serves not only as a means of verbalizing certain concepts, but also acts as a regulator of cognitive-pragmatic relations between the writer, translators and readers, appealing to their own experience, which, on the part of the author of the work , is presented in the text in the form of certain signals verbalized by means of linguistic units that reproduce the socio-cultural context and are a reflection of his/her worldview. For the reader, such a reality, refracted through the prism of the author’s perception, can be supplemented and “thought out” taking into account his/her own empirical experience. As a result of the study, the following parameters of a literary text, which significantly affect the adequacy of the translation were identified: 1) the anthropocentric nature of a literary text; 2) the communicative structure of a literary text, aimed at indirect communication between the author and the reader; 3) the presence of surface and deep structures, revealed through an interpretive approach to the analysis of a literary text; 4) the conceptual integrity of the text, explicated by means of certain signals or markers, appealing to the individual cognitive experience of the reader; 5) the pragmatic potential of a literary text, revealed through a detailed analysis of communicative situations, explicitly or implicitly presented in the text; 6) the national picture of the world, represented by culturally specific means, which differ significantly between the linguocultures of the original and the translation; 7) stylistic potential of a literary text; 8) ambiguity and entropy, which can lead to incorrect interpretation and, as a result, to a violation of the adequacy of the translation of a literary text.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):94-106
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Artistic Originality of the Novel “Farewell to Arms!” by E. Hemingway

Bukhantsova E.V.


Indifference of authorities was a main symbol of the time preceded creation of the novel “Farewell to Arms!”. To save democracy it was reflected in the propaganda of war. The calls were especially persistent in May 1918. At this moment, the elderly felt the apathy of the strong and did not want to participate in this wrong war, young men (such as eighteen-year-old Hemingway) did not understand anything and went to the front. Most of them were destined to die. The fate loved Ernest: it saved him from joining the army several times. Later, when the young man could no longer wait, it saved him from direct participation in hostilities. In vain, because the war engages even Red Cross employees in physical and moral battles: it raises many unsolvable questions, makes them doubt the honesty of what is happening and tries to devalue the highest feelings. Many decisive measures were to be taken to preserve the soul. Many artistic devices would come in need to describe the experience. The study of these mediums is the subject of this research, the proof of their artistic power is the goal. The research was carried out on the materials of the English and Russian versions of the novel, critical articles by researchers of the writer's work. The comprehensive method of literary analysis was used. We revealed high thematic saturation in the novel because of our research effords. The author raised many problems: an intellectual in war, people's attitude to war, religion and war, morality and war, the fall of man in war, the influence of official propaganda on people; showed originality of the use of synthesis and montage (combination of pictures of different quality and meaning), sophisticated contrast; confirmed validity of the breach of the chronological principle.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):107-113
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Metaphor as an Instrument for Understanding of Translation Process

Krivoruchko A.I., Kilovataya M.A.


The authors deal with the problem of metaphoric character of translation activity. The metaphorical model “translation is an activity” identified by the authors, is in the center of researchers’ attention. It is based on the following theoretical and methodological foundations: theory of cognitive metaphor, theory of metatext, frame theory, synergetic conception of translation space. The research aims to substantiate the heuristic potential of metaphor, being an intellectual tool to understand both the translation process and the professional activity of the translator's linguistic/speech personality. Metaphorical modeling of translation is viewed as one of the leading principles to study the concept of "translation" to reveal its core features. The conceptual analysis is based on the frame – slot method. The metaphorical understanding of translation, reflected in the model “translation is an activity”, is interpreted as a kind of metatext created in a scientific text as a component of translation discourse. Theoretical provisions are illustrated by the views cited by domestic scientists about translation and translation activities, i.e. metatexts about translation. The authors conclude that the cognitive translation modeling for specialists in the field of theory, practice, criticism, and didactics of translation keeps its effectiveness, and creates a special metaphorical landscape of translation discourse. On the one hand, the metatext about translation process, metaphorically generated, performs an explicative function, it explains in a figurative and accessible way the author’s intentions, and on the other hand, it is a cognitive instrument to help the reader (for example, a novice translator) to understand the original idea.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):114-122
pages 114-122 views

Fictional Concept and Peculiarities of its Functioning in the Text

Rakhmonova D.S.


The article attempts to present and clarify a fictional concept, its distinctive properties and ways of its functioning in a literary text. Being considered as the main unit of the conceptual analysis of a fiction work, the concept expresses the conceptual meanings of the text, realizing the function of reflecting the individual author's world picture and the information embedded in it. The relevance of the article is confirmed by the prevalence of conceptual analysis in the field of many linguistic sciences, which generates additional study of the essential units of this analysis – fictional concepts. This presupposes the main purpose of the article, which consists in identifying the specific features of a fictional concept found in a literary work, as well as in considering the features of its implementation in the text. The consideration of concepts in fiction texts made it possible to identify their distinctive features: imagery, evaluativeness, emotiveness, associativity, symbolism and dynamic character. Another specific feature of a fictional concept is its contextual determinism, which is based on the dependence of the concept on the type of context (linguistic and extralinguistic). Moreover, it became possible to identify a vivid feature of fictional concept that differentiates it from other cognitive concepts – the ability to reflect an individual author's fictional world picture. This property is manifested in the expression of the conceptual meanings of the text by fictional concepts. Analysis of fictional concepts can be applied while analyzing and interpreting literary texts and building their conceptual spheres.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):123-131
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Color and Number Symbolism in the Novel “Paradise” by Abdulrazzak Gurnah

Ruzmatova D.R.


This article addresses the use of colors and numbers in fictional literature, namely Abdulrazak Gurnah's “Paradise”, to express ideas beyond their literal meanings. Some authors may even employ colors to express a mood or underline critical themes in their works; for example, pastel colors may suggest dreaminess, while deeper tones may denote mystery or dread. The practice of giving particular numbers or numbers patterns value and meaning is known as number symbolism. This custom has been practiced throughout history in various nations and traditions and is frequently applied in spiritual, religious, or mystical situations. The symbols for the numbers three, seven, twelve, forty, and hundreds are well-known. Each of them alludes to diverse cultural perspectives that vary. The novel “Paradise” by Abdulrazak Gurnah might serve as an illustration of how colors and numbers can be used to convey ideas to readers about the importance of both colors and symbols in global culture. White, black, green, and red are frequently used color combinations in “Paradise” and are associated with colonialism, passion, desire, and nature. Numbers three, seven and twelve examine memory, religion, and personal identity questions. Colors and numbers are two parallel motifs frequently appearing in literature, yet Abdulrazak Gurnah's “Paradise” shows how important colors are relative to numbers. Additionally, in fictional literature, colors and numerals serve as indicators of cultural elements.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):132-141
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Religiously Marked Allusions as Knowledge Structures Activators

Fayzullaeva M.R.


The article aims to delineate religiously marked allusions and their twofold interdependent properties in the literary text: religiously marked allusions as the carriers of religious information and activators of religious knowledge structures in the literary text. Religiously marked allusion constitutes a direct or indirect referent to the precedent religious text, and hence embodies a large scale encyclopedic, specifically, religious and culture specific information in its semantic construct. The adequate interpretation of religiously marked allusions presuppose the existence of corresponding religious knowledge structures in the reader's mind. To reveal specific features of religiously marked allusions as knowledge structure activators in the literary text, the method of conceptual analysis was applied. The method of conceptual analysis is targeted at revealing conceptual significance of religiously marked allusions, and explicating the author's individual world picture and conceptual information implicitly presented by him/her in the literary text. To achieve the research aim first factual, subtextual, conceptual information of the linguistic material was exposed. The results of the analysis show that in addition to religious knowledge structures, religiously marked allusions activate old and new, collective and individual, objective and subjective knowledge structures too. In addition, being highly influenced by the author's individual conceptual world picture and modality, religiously marked allusions can be reinterpreted and obtain additional or totally new conceptual senses in the literary text. Consequently, specific types of knowledge structures externalized by religiously marked allusions often showcase contradictions between old and new, collective and individual, objective and subjective knowledge structures.

Nizhnevartovsk Philological Bulletin. 2023;8(1):142-151
pages 142-151 views

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